Monkeywire - An excellent news source!
Monkeywire An excellent source for news about primates! They also accept submissions if you have an interesting story. I encourage you to check them out. Please mention Monkey Prose if you contact them!
Monkeywire An excellent source for news about primates! They also accept submissions if you have an interesting story. I encourage you to check them out. Please mention Monkey Prose if you contact them!
Posted by
Monkey Bob
7:07 PM
Labels: monkeys, Monkeywire, news
Morphing Can Be Fun. Video of a man morphing into an ape, and then back to human.
Posted by
Monkey Bob
12:13 PM
Monkey With a Deathwish This monkey is either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid! I'm guessing a little of both.
Posted by
Monkey Bob
7:15 PM
OKC Zoo Ape A young gorilla plays chicken with a young girl visitor. Funny!
Posted by
Monkey Bob
7:05 PM
Albino Ape A National Geographic film about trying to breed a (very rare) albino ape. The narrator sounds like Willima Shatner, but I couldn't confirm this.
Posted by
Monkey Bob
4:37 PM
Labels: albino ape, ape, National Geographic, television
Drifting played by Andy McKee. He is an exceptional talent! You can find more about him at You may also want to check out Into the Ocean. This post has nothing to do with monkeys, however I am confident that you will enjoy Andy's music! I couldn't find his albums at any record retailer, but you should be able to get them from the Candy Rat website.
Posted by
Monkey Bob
3:51 PM
Labels: Andy McKee, BEST OF MONKEY PROSE, Gorillaz Music Video, guitar, Music Review
Three posts ago, I presented a conceptual art piece by New York artist Shiri Sandler. This piece was Ape-girl performs "fools gold". Shiri has generously offered to share some of her poetry with the Monkey Prose readers. You will find this below. I hope that you enjoy it!
I wouldn't take my word for it
/ The Poetics Of The Absurd.
Quickuick in a hurry,
suddenly streched beyond galaxies,
a bubbly shelter.
We are not safe here in this forest.
scratching claws on a tree trunk -
maybe they'll stick.
A claw breaks in the trunk
so she takes it with her.
Touch the mossy side for north.
the moss has become precious
They spin gold from it
these days
She uses her force field
and plants a new forest.
I draw lines throughout dimensions,
Some is invented and some is staged for this event.
All that's left are traces
Of memories/ dreams/ places
I write and re-write my story as I go.
Today I reached a spot where art imitated life,
And life imitated it back.
You know I love you.
Posted by
Monkey Bob
8:07 PM
Labels: Apegirl, BEST OF MONKEY PROSE, poetry, Shiri Sandler
Ape to Man A fascinating program from The History Channel which explores our simian ancestors. I invite proponents from both sides of the evolution issue to post their comments.
"Dissent is the native activity of the scientist, and it has got him into a good deal of trouble in the last years. But if that is cut off, what is left will not be a scientist. And I doubt whether it will be a man."
- Jacob Bronowski
Posted by
Monkey Bob
9:27 PM
Labels: ape, evolution, The History Channel
Jane Goodall Visits Chimps You can find out more about Jane Goodall at There are great shots of chimps in this video!
Posted by
Monkey Bob
12:39 PM
Labels: chimpanzee, Conservation, Jane Goodall
My Arctic Monkeys Music Video by the Arctic Monkeys. WARNING: Adult Content in this video.
Posted by
Monkey Bob
4:48 PM
Labels: Arctic Monkeys, music, video
Dance Like a Monkey by the New York Dolls.
Posted by
Monkey Bob
4:42 PM
Labels: music, New York Dolls, video
Jimmy Clause The story of two of Santa Clause's nephews who are being considered as Santa's replacement. Some parts of this video are a little amateurish, but overall, it is pretty well done. Very clever idea! This video is from A Monkey & A Typewriter Productions.
Posted by
Monkey Bob
11:00 AM
Rui Chiu The Monkees Sing an old Spanish Christmas carol. Very nice harmonies!
Posted by
Monkey Bob
7:28 PM
Labels: christmas, music, The Monkees
Yeti's Christmas A cute video. Yeti is also known as The Abominable Snowman - although he's "Yeti" to his close friends!
Posted by
Monkey Bob
7:08 PM
Labels: Abominable Snowman, animation, christmas, Yeti
It's Christmas in the Summertime by FunkyMonkeys. Very catchy tune, with a caribbean feel. You can find out more about this group at
Posted by
Monkey Bob
1:07 PM
Labels: christmas, FunkyMonkeys, music, video
Posted by
Monkey Bob
11:02 PM
Labels: animation, ape escape, christmas, video
Presents for Primates A very nice video about the Oregon Zoo!
Posted by
Monkey Bob
7:13 PM
Monkey Christmas A little long and corny by today's standards, this 1930's movie examines the real meaning of Christmas.
Posted by
Monkey Bob
6:31 PM
Labels: christmas, monkeys, santa clause
Santa Clause With Gorilla Just a typical street scene in Berlin.
Posted by
Monkey Bob
6:09 PM
Labels: Berlin, gorilla, santa clause, video
Ernie Kovacs - Nairobi Trio Classic early TV! If you've never heard of Ernie Kovacs, check him out at He was a genius!
Posted by
Monkey Bob
9:23 AM
Labels: BEST OF MONKEY PROSE, Ernie Kovacs, humor, Nairobi Trio, television
Onion Head Monster battles Sea Monkey for the right to destroy Ant City. I know what you're thinking, "My God! Another Destroy Ant City video? Haven't they beaten that idea to death?" However, I think that this video takes a more cinema verite approach to this genre.
Posted by
Monkey Bob
10:35 PM
Labels: animation, France, humor, Onion Head Monster, sea monkeys, video
What happened to Mighty Joe Young after his blockbuster movie in 1949? Thanks to the godlike powers of Google, I was able to locate him and (believe it or not) he is still alive!
Mighty Joe Young was born in 1930, in Ottawa, Ontario. His Canadian heritage does a lot to explain why he was so much nicer than King Kong. Canadians are the nicest people on the planet, with the possible exceptions of Mother Theresa and my second grade teacher, Miss Walkowsky.
His father, Mighty Quinn Young, was a stage director, who was passionate about Eugene O'Neill. His production of Mourning Becomes Electra (with an all chimpanzee cast) stunned the Canadian critics. His mother, Loretta, appeared as an extra, in a number of early Tarzan movies.
With such strong dramatic roots, it was inevitable that Joe would gravitate to the theatrical profession. This talent manifested itself early in his life. Picking up a coconut was transformed into Alas, poor Yorick! A breast beating would be accompanied by a piercing cry of Hey Stella!
Zookeepers recognized his talent and encouraged him to participate in the animal park's theatre productions. Along the way he developed a passion for dancing. His greatest love was the tango, at which he excelled. When performing La Salida Simple, Joe became the very embodiment of fluidity and grace.
But by the time Joe was 18, he recognized that Canada was far too limited a jungle for him to develop his talents. He was drawn to Hollywood like a chimp to bananas. His parents supported his move, and six months later, he attended his first casting call.
Joe quickly discovered his greatest auditioning skill - It's tough to say "No" to a 500 lb. gorilla! Joe won small parts in film noir flicks, typically playing "the heavy" His performances impressed Ernest B. Schoedsack, who directed King Kong.
In 1948, Schoedsack was developing a sequel to King Kong, and realized that Mighty Joe Young was a natural for the part. Merian C. Cooper, who wrote the screenplays for both movies, actually rewrote the script to accent Joe's rugged good looks, and animal magnetism. He even adopted Joe's name for the movie title. The result was, as we all know, box office boffo!
But what happened to Mighty Joe Young after his movie success?
After the movie run finished, and he was no longer invited to A List parties (Hollywood has such a short memory!) Joe became disillusioned with Tinseltown, and realized that his happiest memories involved dancing the tango in the Argentinean nightclubs that Ottawa is so famous for. No one in Hollywood could perform a decent el Paseo, or even a rudimentary la Caminata.
Joe made the most important decision of his life. He turned his back on Hollywood, returned to Ottawa, and opened up a dance school. His movie fame and exceptional dancing skills quickly made it a success! And there he remains, to this day.
In 1992, Joe made one brief return to Hollywood, to be choreographer for Scent of a Woman. Director Martin Brest, credits Mighty Joe Young with propelling Al Pacino to his stellar performance in The Tango Scene.
At 76, Joe can no longer bend with his dance partners like he did in his youth, but he still exudes el Alma del Tango (the Soul of the Tango)! I wish you many more tango years. Joe!
Posted by
Monkey Bob
6:57 PM
Labels: Al Pacino, BEST OF MONKEY PROSE, Canada, chimpanzee, Eugene O'Neill, Google, gorilla, King Kong, Mighty Joe Young, News of dubious truthiness, Ottawa, Scent of a Woman, tango, Tarzan, zoo
King Kong vs Godzilla This is the original movie trailer. My money is on King Kong, but them I am Monkey Bob!
Posted by
Monkey Bob
5:32 PM
Labels: Godzilla, Japanese monster movie, King Kong, monkeys
Jibbs - King Kong I'm not a big rap fan, but this one is really good! And this is from a 57 year old white guy. Word! His website is
Posted by
Monkey Bob
5:38 PM
In the Rough an animated movie about a cave man. One of the best CG (computer generated) movies that I have seen! You can find out more about the creators at Blur Studios.
Banana Man by Tallyhall. I think that they will definitely win the BEST USE OF ZOMBIES IN A CALYPSO MUSIC VIDEO category at the next MTV Awards! You can find out more about this group at
Posted by
Monkey Bob
2:14 PM
Labels: banana, BEST OF MONKEY PROSE, Calypso, monkeys, MTV, Tallyhall, zombie
Monkeys in the Zoo Cartoon The 1930's and 40's were the High Renaissance of cartoons!
If I may be serious for a moment, I had an epiphany today, that I would like to share with you:
It's not about ME. It's about OTHER PEOPLE.
For the past few years, I've felt that my life lacked a sense of direction and purpose. This manifested itself in depression, panic attacks, and a general dissatisfaction with day to day existence. I was not happy, and nothing seemed to make me feel satisfied or fulfilled.
A number of events created this state of mind:
* - I am 57 years old, and recently realized that I'm not going to live forever. The idea that someday I was going to die hit me in the face like a left hook from Mike Tyson. I mean, no shit, I am actually going to die someday! It wasn't an abstract concept. It was a visceral realization. It scared the hell out of me, and threw me off balance emotionally. It gave me nightmares!
* - My best friend John, a contemporary in age, passed away from cancer a year ago.
* - I've reached the point in my life where being a workaholic no longer fulfills my emotional and spiritual needs.
* - My wife got sick in 2000, with a cerebral aneurysm. This required surgery, and she is now partially disabled.
* - My wife's illness almost forced us into bankruptcy (a couple of times), and our financial condition has been "dicey" for the past few years - until very recently. (Things are looking better now.)
* - Two years ago, my wife was involved in a head-on collision. The car was totaled and she was seriously injured. She recovered from the accident, but it was a long, slow process.
* - I have been supporting my 20 year daughter - both emotionally and financially - as she struggles with a new baby, getting through college, and establishing herself as a successful and happy adult.
There's more, but this is the good stuff.
In general, I have been feeling sorry for myself. I don't recommend it as a life style, because it sucks!
Then I recently started supporting monkey conservation groups through my blog. I have been featuring posts about them, linking to them, and also supporting them financially. It has been very rewarding - the first emotional "shot in the arm" that I have felt in a long time! And I genuinely care about this issue. Monkeys are my little buddies!
Also, today I went and worked with Habitat for Humanity in Newark, NJ. I met some really nice people who genuinely care about other people, and back it up with physical work. The program allows low income people to buy their own homes. At the end of the day, I felt better than I've felt in a long time!
The conclusion that I have drawn from these experiences is:
It's not about ME. It's about OTHER PEOPLE (and monkeys).
I feel, after a very long time, that my life is beginning to have some purpose and direction again. I will continue to volunteer my time and energy to worthwhile causes, because I now realize that one person CAN make a difference in our world.
Look for more upbeat news in the near future. I want to use the word zeitgeist in a post. I heard it on National Public Radio!
Posted by
Monkey Bob
7:05 PM
Labels: bankruptcy, cerebral aneurysm, charity, Commentary, Conservation, editorial, Habitat for Humanity, It's not about me, NPR, zeitgeist
Posted by
Monkey Bob
3:34 PM
Labels: BEST OF MONKEY PROSE, Charles Darwin, Darwin, evolution, humor, Iran, King Kong, Liechtenstein, LonelyGirl15, monkeys, News of dubious truthiness, p monkey, primate, Theory of Evolution
Vader Dad Monkey see, monkey do! The source for this video is
Posted by
Monkey Bob
8:42 AM
Labels: Anti drug commercial, Darth Vader, humor, Star Wars, video
Painting an Ape (time lapse) This is from a cool site, I used to be a portrait artist (among 8,000 other careers!) so I appreciate the talent of these people.
Posted by
Monkey Bob
8:14 AM
Labels: drawing, gorilla, painting, portrait, time lapse
Primate Rescue Center Inc. This group is doing some great work to Rescue, Recover, and Rehabilitate primates. I encourage you to support them. Please mention Monkey Prose if you do!
Posted by
Monkey Bob
8:14 PM
Labels: charity, Conservation, monkeys, primate
Primate Crossword No. 1 This was originally published in The New Chimp Times. I thought that their article - "When Good Bananas Go Bad" was a literary tour de force!
Posted by
Monkey Bob
1:21 PM
Labels: banana, crossword, crossword puzzle, primate, tour de force
Chiquita Banana Commercial New and Improved - Now With Frogs!
Posted by
Monkey Bob
12:28 AM
Labels: banana, Chiquita Banana, frogs, television
Bed Nets for Kids Is a charity that is fighting malaria by a very simple technology - providing bed nets for children in malaria infested areas. This keeps mosquitos away while the children are sleeping. I encourage you to support this worthwhile cause. Please mention Monkey Prose if you do!
Posted by
Monkey Bob
11:49 PM
Labels: charity, child protection, malaria
Groucho Marx in "Monkey Business" Classic Groucho!
Posted by
Monkey Bob
8:16 PM
Labels: Groucho Marx, humor, Marx Brothers, monkey business, monkeys, video
The Banana Boat Song Performed by Harry Belafonte on The Muppet Show. Very funny!
Posted by
Monkey Bob
7:29 PM
Labels: banana, BEST OF MONKEY PROSE, Calypso, Harry Belafonte, humor, monkeys, television
Shock the Monkey An awesome music video by Peter Gabriel!
Posted by
Monkey Bob
6:37 PM
Labels: BEST OF MONKEY PROSE, monkeys, music, Peter Gabriel, video
G is For Gorilla - Part 3 One of the better amateur videos that I have seen. I am posting two of them on my blog. This one is my favorite. The filmmaker has incorporated a lot of sophisticated tools into these videos - slow motion, sound effects, etc. I think that this person is very talented!
Posted by
Monkey Bob
4:14 AM
Labels: LonelyGirl15, monkeys, p monkey, video
Gorilla Librarian Skit By Monty Python
Posted by
Monkey Bob
9:50 PM
Labels: humor, monkeys, Monty Python, television
Homer the Ape Classic Cartoon from The Simpsons
Posted by
Monkey Bob
7:25 PM
Labels: animation, monkeys, television, The Simpsons
King Kong - The Original Movie Trailer This is still the Gold Standard King Kong for me!
* No adult content material. This site is about primates, not porn.
* No material that would be considered to be in bad taste.
My goal for this blog is to present information about primates that is interesting, amusing, and/or educational.
I am open to suggestions from Monkey Prose readers. If there is something that you would like to see a post about, please contact me at The same goes if you see something that you find to be upsetting or inappropriate.
While I retain the right to control the content of my blog, I am sensitive to my readers' feelings. If I think that your suggestion or complaint has merit, then I will give serious consideration to making the suggested change.